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Cool Stuff

We build some unique tools that make life easier for people like us.

Every now and then in the course of our work, we notice that something seems unnecessarily hard -- either for the customer or ourselves (or developers in general) -- and that a simple standard solution is "missing". In that case, we sometimes embark a quest to change the status quo.

4thefile.com™ is the result of one such episode. We wanted to "insert" certain customer emails into our CRM (the email may contain a screen shot illustrating a reported bug, or is attached with the requirement document of a project, or......) but got tired of the tediousness of cut-and-paste. The solution: a place to forward an email where an online copy is stored and is API-accessible by applications such as our CRM. Today, employing the service of 4thefile, we simply "Cc" or "Bcc" our CRM when we want an email communication to be automatically attached to a specific account, opportunity, or customer issue.

We are working on several other "gap filler" ideas. Some may not make their way to the runway. Some hopefully will. Stay tuned.


Try 4theFile today! It's free, no registration necessary (although registered users do get access to some advanced features).